I took 1165 Pictures today. Here are 54 of them. I my D80 on a tripod and took one picture every 2 seconds. It doesn't have a movie mode so i had to create the animation myself... Fun stuff. I contemplated putting only one up and having you imagine what the motion was like, but i didn't want to waste 1164 pictures. No, i do not know why it turned out red. the original pictures were blue. but it looks nice doesn't it?
Friday, March 14, 2008
Red Rolling Clouds
Yeah, well this is my first post in awhile over here. I'm glad i have this blog. it lets me keep all the extras i want to present to you guys separate from my 365 blog... anyway here is the video i promised for day 62:
I took 1165 Pictures today. Here are 54 of them. I my D80 on a tripod and took one picture every 2 seconds. It doesn't have a movie mode so i had to create the animation myself... Fun stuff. I contemplated putting only one up and having you imagine what the motion was like, but i didn't want to waste 1164 pictures. No, i do not know why it turned out red. the original pictures were blue. but it looks nice doesn't it?
I took 1165 Pictures today. Here are 54 of them. I my D80 on a tripod and took one picture every 2 seconds. It doesn't have a movie mode so i had to create the animation myself... Fun stuff. I contemplated putting only one up and having you imagine what the motion was like, but i didn't want to waste 1164 pictures. No, i do not know why it turned out red. the original pictures were blue. but it looks nice doesn't it?
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